
Sunday, September 16, 2012

    I promise I am still alive :D.  This weekend my son and I spent some time at the gym.  He may only be six, but this boy loves to work out!  We went on the track at my school's gym and all he wanted to do was run.  Let me tell you...that was the most intense ten minutes of my life!  But it was good.  I called him my little personal trainer :).  So we're going to do that every Saturday, which means I can't skip out on my workouts during the week.  My body will thank me for it.  

      Also this weekend, I spent time making my first salt scrub and bath salts.  It was so rewarding to make something from it always is.  But then when I came across another sugar scrub recipe, a woman said to stay away from food coloring when making your scrubs.  Her link can be found here.  Of course I was bummed at first because I used coloring in both things I had just made.  Yet when I did some more research, I realized how right she was.  So I started looking at alternatives which I found here.  I haven't tried these yet since I just started making the scrubs yesterday.  But! I do plan to try these in the near future.  So now I'm not so bummed about starting over.  At least I'll know what is going into the products I make (and I'll be able to pronounce them!). 

  As someone who was very content with what the stores offered, I'm becoming more repulsed by what is in our foods, body care products, etc.  I never thought I would be "that" person who was concerned about what the ingredients contain.  But the more I research the more determined I am to start making just about everything from scratch.  I promise I won't become someone who preaches about what one should or shouldn't do.  I will, however, post some links from time to time just so others can have information (if they want it).  I know first hand how difficult it is to get out of the comfort zone, especially if that is what you grew up with*.   So I don't fault anyone who isn't aware or decides to keep doing what they are doing. 

  Alright, enough blogging for now and back to my actual school work.  Have a great Sunday!

*Update and correction:  As children we had homemade foods.  But as we got older and busier with our lives, we all became more accustomed to the store-bought foods :).

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